Thursday, November 13, 2008

I can finally start buying PINK!

Ben and I went to the Perinatologist today for our ultrasound and guess what?? It's a girl! I think Ben was a bit surprised because he had been absolutely sure that it was a boy, but he was still very excited. I had always thought that I wanted a boy first, but let's face it the girl stuff is sooo much cuter. Even when waiting in the waiting room today before the ultrasound we saw a lady walk in with her baby girl and this baby was very, very cute. She had her ears pierced (not neccesarily something I would do...) and she had so much hair and this big ribbon in her hair that coordinated with her outfit and it was just too cute. I think I had decided then and there that I wanted a girl and as luck would have it...that's what we got!

Even with my bad heart, they said the baby and I were doing great. The baby is supposed to be about 8 ounces at this far along, but she's 9! So already I'm really confident that I'll get what I've always wanted, which of course is a chubby baby! They said everything was measuring right and her kidneys looked good and all other anatomy on her was right where it was supposed to be. The doctor tried looking at the heart, but because it's so early on they won't be able to rule out any congenital heart disease, however they saw that she had all the correct parts and the heart rate was good and everything was normal. The baby and I both have echocardiograms scheduled on December 4th which will be able to better determine if the baby has inherited my heart defect. Even though the baby has a higher risk than normal for that I'm still very confident that she will turn out absolutely perfect!!

I'm really happy to be able to share the good news as it has been few and far between so far this pregnancy! Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive and loving. We love you all and I personally couldn't have stayed this positive without you all!

By the way....Her name will be Brooklyn Asay Anderson!

Love you all,



Breanne said...

Congrats again! Have fun blogging! ...Will look forward to hearing the Dec. 4th results. I'm glad the baby looks so healthy so far! Let us know if you need anything along the way. :)

MK said...

Congratulations!! I have been meaning to call and ask you how everything went but, life just keeps taking over and my good intentions never quite make it to fruition.

We sure love you guys and we are so excited for our newst niece.

paula said...

Yeah, congratulations. How exciting! Hmmm, now what shade of pink for the nursery?

Mom A said...

Congradulations! You look absolutely gorgeous. I am so happy that things are looking so good for "all" of you. Keep in touch.
Love, Elder and Sister Anderson, aka
Mom and Dad