Friday, November 14, 2008

Guess who's going shotgun shopping?!?

Yep that's right... Daddy's little girl needs her protection! As Beth already said we found out we are having a little girl, and of course with the news comes the progressional question of "Is that what you wanted?" I never really liked this question... I mean, how could I possibly choose! I kind of thought that we were going to have a boy, but to find out it is a girl I am way excited. When it really comes down to it, as long as it is healthy, I will be more than happy. We have an echo for Mommy and baby in the next few weeks to see if baby's heart is developing correctly. As of yesterday, all things were looking perfect with the baby's development!

- Ben


Lindsey said...

Yay! You guys are having a baby! You two will be good parents to that little rugrat. I hope to hear about a baby shower in a couple of months... please give me some good advanced notice!

TrishAnderson said...

I hope everyone is still doing well. It was great to see you both at thanksgiving! We love you - PS, we haven't heard anything about the heart tests --- any news?????

Hope all is well!